Installation Process
The Terrain Plane Model is built in the form of a mod, that you add to your directory.
Installing the mod
Drag the folder “fluidscriptstudios_tools” directly into your mod directory “Steam\steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game”
Update gameinfo.txt
Open the gameinfo.txt file that your Source Filmmaker uses, typically located in your usermod folder, and add a line:
Game fluidscriptstudios_tools
Save and close your gameinfo.txt file.
Locating and Opening your Tool
Open Source Filmmaker. Click File -> Open and in this window, navigate to your mod directory and then go to:
In this folder, you will find your scenebuild DMX file called “session - terrain plane.dmx”
This will open up a session with the Terrain Plane model inside.
Using the Model in another Session
Alternativly, if you want to use the terrain plane model in a session you already have, open your desired session, and open the Element Viewer.
Click the "Root" button, which looks like a little house. You should see a drop down named "session" in green. Click and follow the following path :
Active Clip -> SubclipTrackGroup -> Tracks -> Film -> Children
Right Click "Children" and select Import Element. Next, navigate to
In this folder, you will find a DMX file called “tools - terrain plane.dmx”
Select Open, and a new shot will appear called "Terrain Plane" in your Clip Editor. Select it copy paste the model inside, and paste it into your sessions shot. Delete the Terrain Plane Shot.