Bone Lattice
15x15 (225) bone lattice for custom terrain creation.
Animated Texture Support
Supports Animated BaseTextures, Bumpmaps and Detail Textures.
1 skin, with 18 Sliders to have total control over its materials.

Installation Process
The Terrain Plane Model is built in the form of a mod, that you add to your directory.
Installing the mod
Drag the folder “fluidscriptstudios_tools” directly into your mod directory “Steam\steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game”
Update gameinfo.txt
Open the gameinfo.txt file that your Source Filmmaker uses, typically located in your usermod folder, and add a line:
Game fluidscriptstudios_tools
Save and close your gameinfo.txt file.
Locating and Opening your Tool
Open Source Filmmaker. Click File -> Open and in this window, navigate to your mod directory and then go to:
In this folder, you will find your scenebuild DMX file called “session - terrain plane.dmx”
This will open up a session with the Terrain Plane model inside.
Using the Model in another Session
Alternativly, if you want to use the terrain plane model in a session you already have, open your desired session, and open the Element Viewer.
Click the "Root" button, which looks like a little house. You should see a drop down named "session" in green. Click and follow the following path :
Active Clip -> SubclipTrackGroup -> Tracks -> Film -> Children
Right Click "Children" and select Import Element. Next, navigate to
In this folder, you will find a DMX file called “tools - terrain plane.dmx”
Select Open, and a new shot will appear called "Terrain Plane" in your Clip Editor. Select it copy paste the model inside, and paste it into your sessions shot. Delete the Terrain Plane Shot.
Terrain Plane Deluxe
The Terrain Plane Deluxe is a borged out version of the free model.
It has all the features of the terrain plane, 3 skins that support different shaders, 4k authored textures, terrain displacement presets for automatic terrain creation and the ability to do virtual texture blending. It is the ultimate terrain creation tool, and a must have for all artists.

The Terrain Plane
A model for making custom terrains and surfaces in Source Filmmaker.
It has a 15x15 lattice of bones to control its shape, 18 sliders for control over the materials appearance, and supports animated textures.